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Arts & Athletics

Create with passion, play with beauty

As an American school, CAISL believes in a balanced and broad education for all students. This means the Arts and Athletics programs are an integral part of students’ curriculum. Since Early Childhood, children have specialist teachers for art, music and physical education, and these subjects will grow with them through High School.

Visual Arts

Our Elementary Art program (Early Childhood 3&4 through Grade 5) includes a variety of art expressions and mediums, that will develop children’s skills as artists and build confidence on their work.

Much of the artwork children produce is proudly displayed through school.

Visual Arts then becomes an elective from Grade 6, becoming more experimental and accompanying students through these years of self-discovery. Every year, the Grade 12 art exhibit showcases this artistical exploration and how students grew in interpreting the world around them through art.

Our Fine Arts program includes Music, Visual Arts and Drama, all during the school day.

Performative Arts

Elementary Music instruction also starts at 3 years old. Students get to experiment with sound and movement, learn letters and words through nursery rhymes, discover rhythm using age appropriate drums and start learning rhythmic and music notes, that allow them to move on to playing Orff instruments, such as marimbas or the recorder.

As students move on to Grade 5, their music experience allows them to start playing in our String Orchestra and singing in the Choir. From Grade 6, these become elective subjects, allowing students to pursue a passion for music as part of their school day.

Music students perform regularly for parents, in an age appropriate setting, building confidence and ease in performing for a public.

Middle and High School bring the opportunity to try out Drama related electives, such as Musical Theater, One Act Plays, Theater studies and others, that aim to strengthen students’ talent and passion for stage arts. Musical Theater and Drama performances are highly anticipated events of the year.



Athletics Program

Photo of Student playing basketball

Athletics’ Goals

  1. To enjoy growing as an athlete and promote friendships
  2. To encourage students to prepare/participate at their highest level of ability
  3. To respect opponents, coaches and officials
  4. To expose students to a healthy competitive environment
  5. To encourage multicultural experiences
  6. To ensure student safety and well-being
  7. To support the mission and philosophy of CAISL

Going beyond Physical Education (PE) classes, CAISL’s Athletics program focuses mainly in team sports, and aims to develop a sense of commitment, companionship, and to foment a life-long love for physical activity. It is CAISL’s philosophy of Athletics that

each student who wishes to join an after-school team and commits to trying his or her best is encouraged to do so.

Our youngest students (Kindergarten through Grade 3) can learn the basic skills of soccer and basketball in a fun, non-competitive after-school program run by CAISL coaches and teachers.

Photo of soccer players from different teams hugging

After this early introduction to sports, beginning in Grade 4 students have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports, playing in games and tournaments with other local international schools. CAISL offers boys’ and girls’ teams for soccer, volleyball, basketball and baseball.

High School varsity teams, in addition to playing in local games and tournaments, also travel to tournaments in Europe. There is also a Cross Country and a Track & Field season, though shorter and under selection, since these are more individual sports.

Photo of CAISL student arriving first in race

We believe each student who wishes to play on a team and who carries through on his/her commitment to practices, games, and sportsmanlike behavior deserves to be on the team.

No student will be cut from a team because of skill level.

Coaches will attempt to give equal playing time to all players during friendly games. During competitive tournaments coaches may choose to play a smaller selection of athletes according to the needs and strategies of the team. Most tournaments only allow a limited number of players to play per game. However, unless an outside agency or host school imposes such a restriction, CAISL will not leave players off tournament teams.

Though winning a tournament is without doubt an ecstatic moment, our emphasis is on fair play, resilience and team spirit, and we are proud to see students who may not receive a medal on a tournament come back the year after to practice and play their best all over again. Thus, the mission of the CAISL Athletics program is

to promote student participation; develop student individual athletic abilities; foster team building, tactical understanding, fitness and sportsmanship.

Participating in interschool athletics our students will further develop the necessary tools to become proactive world citizens with the skills to maintain positive lifelong habits.

Photo of Girls Volleybal team playing
Calendar showing the sports over the year.

CAISL is a student-centered educational community in which we challenge ourselves and each other to do our best and to make positive contributions to our diverse and ever-changing world.