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Opera Live

Opera Live

The Middle School News team had the opportunity to interview two distinguished guests from the world of music: José Bruto da Costa, a Conductor with the Gulkenkian Choir, and Matthew Habib, an American Opera star who pursued his dream all the way to Germany, one of the opera capitals of the world. With very distinct backgrounds but both with impressive resumes, they humbly shared some of the challenges of the profession and what motivates them to continue moving forward. They also detailed more technical information such as the different voices singers can have and Mr. Habib exemplified by singing Aria of the Worm (for tenors) from “The Ghosts of Versailles,” which was extremely impressive for all those present. The two artists also took questions from the audience which covered questions from stage freight to favorite pieces. A huge thank you to both for their time and willingness to share so much with our students. This turned to be a very special day because of their contribution!