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Culinary Fest: Sharing Culture and Kindness

Culinary Fest: Sharing Culture and Kindness

The HS Portuguese Transitional class organized a Culinary Fest at the Fisgas Senior Home, Fri. Dec. 6, during C2. The class shared several dishes representing the students' culture with the elderly. Each student brought a national dish (sweet or savory) to be shared with a group of residents and collaborators at the elderly people home. This activity allowed the residents at the senior home to try different foods - some that they had never experienced, others that they had not eaten in a long time. This activity not only linked to the themes of Kindness and Inclusion which are celebrated at CAISL in November and December, but it was also an opportunity for students to practice their Portuguese speaking and listening skills. This activity is also linked to the cultural topic "Receitas com Histórias (Recipes & Narratives)", which we are currently exploring.