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CAISL Students Develop Leadership Skills at Estoril Summit

CAISL Students Develop Leadership Skills at Estoril Summit

Twelve students from grades 9-12 attended a Leadership Summit in Estoril on Wednesday, September 25th. Students heard from speakers from around the globe as well as local politicians and businessmen. 12th grader Lina E sketched and took notes, depicting the lead from the bottom as a funnel. "I appreciated the spotlight on the importance of indigenous knowledge when facing the climate crisis,” added 12th grader Francisca H. During the lunch break, students interacted with guest speakers. CAISL’s participation in this event highlighted our commitment to fostering leadership skills and global awareness among students. They were challenged to think critically about sources of information and posed challenging questions about credibility and sponsorship. Grade 9 Rodrigo M summarized, “It was a learning experience about responsible and active leadership in all aspects of our lives.