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A Merry Winter Concert

A Merry Winter Concert

Last night, on December 6th, students and parents filled the theater for one of the highlight shows of the year—the Winter Concert. This event featured all secondary students in the orchestra and choir programs.

The choir presented some seasonal classics but innovated with a fun performance of “Last Christmas” by the High School Choir, a whimsical rendition of a SpongeBob special titled “Don’t Be a Jerk, It’s Christmas” by the Middle School Choir, and a heart-melting piece called “Remembering Decembers,” which included a touching presentation of childhood pictures.

The orchestra took the stage with moving performances that celebrated Christmas and Hanukkah songs in finely tuned instrumental versions, featuring beautiful violin solos.

There was also time for solo voice and piano performances that earned warm applause from the crowd.

The last two pieces brought together all orchestra and choir students, concluding with a cheerful sing-along of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

Congratulations to all teachers and performers involved in this wonderful concert.