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CAISL and the Environment

Making "positive contributions to our diverse and ever-changing world"

It is in our Mission but also in our hearts.

Students, Staff and Administration are equally committed to reduce as much as possible the carbon footprint we leave behind. Browse this page to learn about measures, campaigns, clubs and programs we have at CAISL.

Environment Ecolution Club Logo

EcoLution is a student led and teacher supervised initiative whose aim is to raise awareness to environmental issues and encourage action, communication and collection of data, through the implementation of eco-friendly habits on the CAISL community.

This year, in addition to the High School Club, there is also a Middle School one and together they have been raising awareness to several issues - see some of them on the posters section.

Try one or some of these recipes. Healthy, ecological, and gathered by students!

First page of the PDF file: EcolutionSustainableCookbook

Ecolution News

CAISL’s Sustainable Holiday Tree

CAISL participated in the Eco-Escolas project by decorating a sustainable holiday tree with reused materials. This potted tree will later be planted in the Serra de Sintra. Visit it at the Winter Wonderland in Parque da Liberdade, Sintra, and snap a photo!

Ecolution Field Trip

This Wednesday, October 23rd, the Elementary Ecolution Club together with all the grade 3 students went to the Sintra forest to work on the CAISL plot. We continued our work to remove an invasive and exotic species called “acácia”. It was a lot of work, but we had a lot of fun!

CAISL Receives Recognition for Environmental Efforts with Plastic Pirates Go Europe

As CAISL embarks on a new cycle of sustainability initiatives, the school was honored with a "Certificate of Completion" from the Portuguese Centro de Ciência Viva. This award recognizes CAISL's valuable work in identifying macro and microplastics through the Plastic Pirates Go Europe project in Ribeira de Colares. Ecolution members remain dedicated to making a positive environmental impact.

Ecolution Bake Sale

May 16 was a very sweet day here at CAISL, and the sea floor was the one benefiting form it!

Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day the Elementary Ecolution Club invited 1st and 2nd graders to make flower bombs.

Adopt-a-Forest action

Our Ecolution Team, along with some parents, shared genuine outdoor education moments and formed bonds!

Replantation Pinhal de Leiria

Spearheaded by Ecolution, this last Saturday a group of CAISL Staff volunteers went to Pinhal de Leiria, 120km North of Lisbon, and partnered with AMI Ecoética on the replantation of a century-old forest devastated by fire in 2017.

Ecolution made Flower Bombs

In yesterday's Ecolution Elementary session, our young Ecologists delved into a hands-on experience that brought them closer to nature in a fun and interactive way. The activity of the day: making Flower-Bombs!

Field Trip Picture

A couple of weeks ago CAISL Ecolution Club went on a field trip to Sintra region to engage in a set of data collection procedures and pure scientific work.

Author and Activit Paula DiPerna talked to CAISL students

CAISL students had the pleasure of hearing from author and activist Paula DiPerna this Wednesday, October 11. Ms. DiPerna worked closely with explorer and environmental pioneer, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and writes both fiction and nonfiction books, and is currently touring Portugal presenting her books.

Group photo of participants in the Adopt a Forest project

On September 27th, the Elementary Ecolution Club, together with all the grade 4 students, went to the Sintra forest to work on the CAISL adopted plot.

Ecolution Clubs visited Nãm Mushroom urban farm in Lisbon

Along the full morning of Wednesday, March 22nd, 32 CAISL Ecolution Club members together with several CAISL Ecolution PSG members went to visit a no-less-than-amazing mushroom farm in central Lisbon – Nãm Mushroom Farm.

CAISL Staff members participated in a tree planting action in Leiria

Continuing our now long-lasting partnership with AMI Ecoética, the environmental sustainability branch of AMI, 8 CAISL staff members answer the call to replant Pinhal de Leiria on the last 18th of March.

Students from CAISL Ecolution club adopted a forest to care for for the next 5 years

CAISL´s 4th graders together with MS and Elementary Ecolution members have officially kick-started our 5 year “Forest Adoption” program.

Upcycling for a Good Cause

CAISL's Ecolution Club and Parent Support Group (PSG) joined forces to come up with the school's first Upcycling Challenge.

Photo of the daily coffee grounds collection

Daily, one of the 10 alternating volunteers collects the coffee grounds  that would otherwise go to the undifferentiated garbage, and takes them to a compost pile. This initiative has saved kilos of high quality fertilizer going to waste.

A photo about the initiative "Fruta Feia"

On January 21st Middle School had the virtual visit of Mr. Artur, a representative of Fruta Feia, an initiative focused on reducing food waste.

A Sustainable Holiday Tree

This year, the HS and the MS Ecolution Clubs joined efforts with the Parent Support Group (PSG) and created their version of a sustainable Holiday Tree.

Photo of the HS Student Assembly

At the end of November, MS and HS both had an Assembly to celebrate student success. At the end of both Assemblies, after hearing about individual success in sport and arts, we realized that there is a lot of achievement we didn’t know. On Thanksgiving, that became another reason to feel grateful.

Environment Ecolution Club Logo

The HS Ecolution club is a student led and teacher supervised initiative whose aim is to raise awareness to environmental issues and encourage action, foster communication and sustainable attitudes/choices, through implementation of eco-friendly habits on the CAISL community.

EcoLution Posters

Poster about compost done by Ecolution MS
Poster about compost done by Ecolution MS
Poster about compost done by Ecolution MS
Poster about eletronic waste done by Ecolution
Poster about eletronic waste done by Ecolution
Ecolution (Environmental CLub) Poster about Corona Virus impact
Ecolution (Environmental CLub) Poster about food waste
Ecolution (Environmental CLub) Poster about paper consumption
Ecolution (Environmental CLub) Poster about disposable masks

About Endangered Species

The CAISL campus and the Environment

Solar panels symbol

CAISL has solar panels that heat water for kitchen, showers, cleaning usages, and help with central heating. During Summer the system is self-sufficient.

Rain Water Collection Symbol

All rainwater is caught by grids all over campus and around the soccer pitches and is then used for the automatic watering system. This automatic watering system stops when it rains.

Windows Symbol

Exterior windows have a privacy window film applied that saves energy: it insulates the windows and blocks heat in the summer. 

Recycling Symbol

Recycling boxes are available anywhere in the campus including exterior spaces and each classroom making it very easy to separate waste.

Symbol for Heating and Cooling

The AVAC system is computer-controlled making scheduling easy, including the general shutting off of the equipment.

Hot water is always close to the faucet due to the recirculation pump system. To get hot water, there is no need to waste it by letting it run.

Lighting Symbol

LED lights are used throughout. LEDs last longer and consume exponentially less. In addition, there are light sensors installed in all toilets and hallways, as well as in outdoor spaces.

Bottle Cap collection point symbol

In addition to recycling, CAISL also collects bottle caps and has been for many years, having been able to convert them into several wheelchairs that were donated. 

No Single Use Plastics Symbol

Since 2018 no single use plastic bottles/cups are used at CAISL. Water fountains spread throughout and reusable bottles or cups are used instead.


CAISL is a student-centered educational community in which we challenge ourselves and each other to do our best and to make positive contributions to our diverse and ever-changing world.