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Educating the Whole Child

We believe a school’s obligation is to provide the child with the skills and knowledge, the abilities and attitudes which are elements of success throughout life.

Academic achievement is fundamental but only one aspect (see the section Evidence of Academic Success).

A child must grow up healthy and confident, independent but also able to live and work as part of a collaborative and supportive group, leading others and choosing positive leaders to follow, loving learning and knowing how to learn.

Photo of a teacher engaging with a student

Children learn these from the role-modeling of those around them, from dialog and discussion, from nurturing the climate in which they live.

Some of the aspects of CAISL’s “whole child” educational program


CAISL is a student-centered educational community in which we challenge ourselves and each other to do our best and to make positive contributions to our diverse and ever-changing world.

Photo of Child Painting
Photo of child hiting a ball during a softball game
Photo of child playing the violin